Regulation and Inspection
Compliments & Complaints
Make a complaint, compliment or comment about the services delivered by the council
Information about the council's engagement activity and current consultations
Councillors and Committees
Councillors, committees, and records and schedule of formal meetings
Budgets & Spending
The Council's Statement of Accounts and Revenue Estimates.
Data Protection & FOI
Details of the data protection act, and how to make a freedom of information request
Equalities & Welsh Language
Information about the equality act and the Welsh language scheme
Find job opportunities at the council
Information on our partner organisations
The council's corporate improvement plan, performance management approach and financial reports
Policies, Plans & Strategies
Central list to all strategies, policies and plans owned by the council
Statistics & Data
Census and statistical information about the area and population of °¬˛ćAƬ
Armed Forces
Information, advice and support for the Armed Forces Community.
Voting & Elections
Upcoming and historic elections, how and where to vote, and registering to vote
Insurance Claims Against the Council
Children and Young People