An online assessment tool for living aids and equipment
Community Care
What community care services are available, and how can they be accessed
Assessment for Community Care Services
Who can receive community care help and how to obtain it
Community Resource Team
Joint service with the Health Board to support independent living
Help and support for those caring for someone else
Gwent Citizen Panel
The citizen’s panel is made up of people who live and work across Gwent and formed to help give people a chance to have their say about life in Gwent and about local public services.
°¬˛ćAƬ Care
Information about the home care service, how to access, and finance
Shared Lives Scheme
The scheme provides a service for vulnerable adults with carers in their local community
Strategy for Older People
The °¬˛ćAƬ Older Persons Strategy
UK Forces Veteran's Guide
Information for UK Forces Veterans in Wales